Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Himalayin Connection

I think the writer of this is just out of his mind...just kidding Professor!

Actually, I think the mentioned breakdown of cases in UFO sightings is very important to the scientific study of such. If we are able to break down the cases into the three categories mentioned, or into some other type of categorizing system, it would allow scientists and science the availability to look into and try to find logical, empirical answers to what seem to be difficult questions. Categorizing could even serve in many of the other phenomena areas like miracles, visions, etc. If we are able to break down the cases, the scientists would not have to feel like they are wasting their time because so many of the cases are not "worth" their time.

Imagine a scientist being able to see a list of all the miracles in the world in such a year or month, and reading a little about where this miracle is categorized as and what information there is on such miracle. It would totally change the availability of the scientists who could look more into specific cases which seem a little possible to explain or even those which seem harder to explain. Each scientist could choose as they pleased.

The proposition of Dr. David Lane is a good one and one that could help the science world to open up a little and broaden the closed mindset that so many in science already have toward paranormal, metaphysical, or anything of the such.

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