Friday, March 7, 2008

Cargo Cult Science - Richard Feynman

The scientific processes discussed by Mr. Feynman in Cargo Cult Science are partially important to us as beings. Do we need integrity in the things we are doing? Whether it be scientific or not, if we wish to advance in a positive long-term goal, there is no doubt that it is very important. If science is to move ahead then there must be integrity in order to insure that what is being solved, found out, and/or discovered is in fact 100% true unaltered, unbiased, and certain. I think that the piece on learning the concepts of where information is coming from could help us out greatly here. If a tabacco company is funding scientific studies, do we really think that the scientists are going to come out and say, "hey, you know what? This stuff is really addictive and it can kill you." They are more inclined "discover" things that are to the benefit of their employer.

What I liked about the end of this Feynman article is his desire to call scientist to integrity to truth. This is essential to the credibility, in turn, the success of the future of science. If science comes to be known for corruption of data, or biased "truths" and "facts" then there will be no truth and fact to which we can honestly cling fast to. I think much of the debate of evolution has been diminished due to the confessions of many archeologist's and scientist revealing some dishonesty in their work. Science in itself cannot continue with errors, intentional or non-intentional, in the data and findings and continue to still be science in its honest essence. Science is the findings based on facts through rationality. Without the true facts there can be no true findings, which means it is all irrational. According to the very scientists it would then need to be throw out like the very idea of religion they are so for throwing out...because it impedes more than it advances.

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